I have a quick question about the constant moisture method.
I remember you said that you had very dry skin around your lips/ mouth after that period where you kept them dry all the time.
When you started the constant moisture method, did you also apply the aquaphor on the dry skin around your mouth, or just on your lips?
I am doing the constant moisture right now and I have found that when I don't apply the aquaphor around my lips, my lips don't burn as much as they do when I put the aquaphor around them. However, as soon as I stop applying aquaphor around my lips, that skin gets really dry again.
Thank you very much for your help.
PS: If anybody that had success with this method reads this, feel free to answer as well :)
Hello, I’m following that method for 144 days, and I don’t have dry skin around lips. Rather the opposite because Aquaphor softens from body heat and sort of spreads on the chin etc. So I have to wipe it off the chin with paper towel.Maybe you have some cracking in the corners? I have that and I don’t think it’s a problem, it easily disappears when you are not applying too much on the regular skin in the corners (but applying on the lips in that area).
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@Daniel Miller when did you stoped using Aquaphor? I'm on that Point where my lips doesn't peel anymore and I got my vertikal lines back. But it still feels sensitive like a layer of skin is missing. I only getting a dead layer of skin at the border of the mucosa. If I stop using aquaphor my lips drying out and I getting bigger vertikal lines, then I put aquaphor back on it and they getting wet and elastic again without peeling anything off.
If I using flash light from my phone and looking through my skin, I can see Micro cracks is that normal ?
Hello!I have EC from 2017. From December 2019 I tried ‘leave alone method’ without biting/touching my lips.But now I’dont know if it’s working or not. So yesterday I started ‘constant moisture method’ with Aquaphor. Also long time ago I overused steroid cream (Elocom) because my allergy, so I’ll use only Aquaphor.
I plan to cure in 12 month, by July 2021. Wish me good luck...
@Ajit Soman Hello! I don’t see any visible improvements by now. But I continue applying Aquaphor!Only in April/June I started going into sun, exercise, healthy food and taking vitamins. UV and vitamins can be essential for healing skin. Now I take multivitamins, Omega 3, vitamins A, E and D3.And when I started last summer I applied very thick layer of Aquaphor, maybe too thick, that time I didn’t realise this. They say oxygen from air can penetrate thru Aquaphor to skin and this is important for healing. Now I apply not very thick layer.Also on Reddit some people say that they healed in year and a half: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/ic3igi/skin_concerns_has_anyone_successfully_cure/gh4bjfx/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3Here is guide for constant moisture method by Daniel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH7crA0q11s
I just wanted to make an update on a treatment that has been working for me. I've had EC for approximately 7 years, I am now 20 years old and it has been a nightmare. But I finally think I understand what has been wrong with me. I think that I've had an chronic allergic reaction to something, whether it's something I eat or something that I put on my lips. I've stopped anything from touching my lips, food, water, lip balm, even napkins. I suspect that some chemical or preservative in the napkins caused me to react how I have, I never stopped using paper napkins in the last 7 years so I think that was the real trigger. The only thing I use is Aloe vera straight from the plant before and after eating to create a barrier and clean my lips off. I've done this for 2 months and my lips have never felt better. They have some lines, but not a ton. They are more flexible than they have ever been. They don't peel nearly as much as before. I am excited to see how much better they will get.
I've tried everything under the sun. Nothing has worked. Modern medicine, homeopathy, eastern medicine, diets, creams, ointments, everything. The only thing that has moderately worked was an extremely healthy diet (unsustainable) and a topical steroid (the steroid made my lips worse after I got off them). This is the only thing that I have seen such progress. I am also exercising a good amount and eating relatively healthy, and while I'm sure it helps, I don't think it's why I am improving so rapidly.
I hope this might help some of you that are suffering. I have suffered for a long time, and to finally feel hope that I might one day be free of this illness, it gives me such drive to live my best life. Lmk if anyone has any questions or just wants someone to talk to. We can all get through this, good luck everyone!
I'd like to share my experience with you all. I've struggled with very dry lips for years so I would apply lip balm on them like 15 times a day. Then I would say a year ago I started biting my lips (I would take off the dead skin that I thought was unesthetical) and it felt like a layer of skin was missing, my lips were raw and burning. In March as quarantine started (I live in France) I decided to stop applying lip balm and stop peeling my lips, in hopes that they would heal and turn back to normal. I started to develop big ugly greenish crusts on my lips. It was horrible, I was terribly self-conscious and it was also very painful as my lips would burn all the time. My doctor prescribed me vaseline but it wasn't very helpful.
I discovered Daniel Miller's YouTube channel and I decided to try the "leave it alone method". Unfortunately the crusts kept falling off, usually when I brushed my teeth, leaving the skin underneath raw and swollen.
A Week ago I took off all the crusts off my lips and started applying aquaphor every half hour, and I gently exfoliate my lips after I brush my teeth. It's only been a Week but I'm already very satisfied with the results, the crusts are not coming back, my lips don't burn anymore, and I'm starting to see vertical lines again. It looks like a thin layer of skin has come back. I started decreasing the aquaphor, I only apply it 4 times a day now. I have some before and after pictures if some of you are interested.
Just a little precision: I know Daniel also did this constant moisture method except (if I understand correctly) he left the crusts on his lips during the process and applied aquaphor on top of them.
Hi. A French compatriot here. Thank you for sharing your experience with this nightmare. Would you mind please sharing your before and after pictures? Thanks again
I just found your website and find it really interesting. I am way too aware of my lips drying out and things have become worse since I am a teacher. Just the tought that my lips could get dry and people could see it makes me feel uncomfortable, so I constantly sip on my water bottle. But when I talk an the phone I could talk for hours without having a sip of water or using any lip balm. It is certainly a reaction to stress und so far I have not find a cure for it.
The only things that actually cures it for a while is surfing. Hours of salt water and sun around my lips just make them perfect... for days and weeks. It is probably the natural form of a steroid cream, so it comes to calming your lips down, allowing your mind to not focus on them for an extended period of time and shifting that focus. Once your focus goes back to your lips, the process starts again.
Hey Daniel. Great idea adding a forum to your website.
I'm currently on week 3 of a diligent aquaphor/ steroid cream regiment, following your guidance closely. I have tried the aquaphor treatment many times in the past with no long term success, however this time is different, mainly because of self isolation due to covid-19 allowing me to take it far more seriously.
I can see skin forming under the aquaphor and can see vertical lines also. Although I'm not risking taking the aquaphor off to have a look at the skin just yet - it is still early days.
I'm using hydrocortisone cream and did have a question with regards to application. Did you wipe off the aquaphor before applying the steroid cream and then reapply the aquaphor? Or did you simply put the steroid cream on top of the aquaphor layers? Did you rub the steroid cream in or just gently apply it on the surface of the lips?
In your videos you also talk about build up and how it slowly reduced over time. Personally I haven't experienced any build up during this treatment, and I am trying to gauge the best time to start decreasing the amount of aquaphor I apply. How were you able to tell your skin was ready to stop applying aquaphor?
Hey Dillan! Sorry I didn't see your message on the Forum, a lot of times the notifications of when someone posts go to my spam, and I don't see it. I don't frequently check the forum for updates, and usually rely on the email notification. Sorry about that!
To answer your questions: For the second half of my recovery, I always "felt" that my lips needed aquaphor. That is, I always had it with me and always used it whenever my lips "felt" like they were getting dry. It's just a feeling I would get, and if I didn't put anything on them they would be so uncomfortable I could barely stand it. To switch from Aquaphor to the lip balm I had to find a lip balm that was EASILY applicable. In fact I would put Aquaphor on first and then use the lip balm, to try to get my lips used to using it. It would work better in the summer if you are in a cold climate, because the lip balm would stay warmer in your pocket and would be easier to apply. This doesn't mean you can't do it in the winter though. Honestly it's just a feeling game you're playing, and sort of training your lips. This didn't happen for me until September or October of that year though. That means that my peeling stopped around April/Early May, and from May until Sept/Oct my lips didn't peel anymore, but they were still really inflamed. So for 6-7 months I continually used aquaphor/sun/steroid cream (very mildly--well you know that schedule by now I assume), and this was all while my lips didn't peel. Only after I felt the inflammation going down on my lips did I feel like I could introduce a lip balm.
TO THIS DAY I still use a lip balm, as I have always said, and I have always needed lip balm. I use it several times a day, probably once an hour or so, mainly out of habit. But there are times when my lips STILL feel uncomfortably dry and if I don't put lip balm on them, then it will be unbearable for me until I do. They don't ever peel or anything, but the feeling of them being dry never goes away. I suppose I could ween myself off of lip balm if I wanted to, but I don't really want to because I do like using it and I'm just not that worried about it to be honest. I suppose that is something I could try to work on though.
One thing I have noticed, which I think I mentioned in the video, is that if I ever get nervous over something or stressed about a situation--INSTANTLY my lips will feel dry. This is how I figured out that it's your mind causing the trauma to your lips, to distract you from your thoughts. This is our coping mechanism, because when you are worried and focused on healing your lips, your mind is off everything else that is worrying you.
You said you are at 4 months, so I did 6-7 months...so I would imagine soon you will be at the point where you can slowly try switching. That dry feeling never goes away completely, but it does MOSTLY go away over a long long time. Today I feel that feeling only a few times a day, and it's immediately relieved once I put lip balm on for quite a long time.
If you are trying to phase out Aquaphor to another lip balm and you're not getting a good response, try a different lip balm. My lips absolutely hate most lip balms, and it's almost impossible for me to find one that provides exactly what they need. Right now the perfect one is from whole foods , which is the whole foods brand also: Whole Foods Organic Peppermint Lip Balm.
I hope this helps, and please let me know if you have any more questions! Sorry again for not seeing your message on the Forum!
@Daniel MillerHello Daniel,I’m on day 63 of applying Aquaphor. I have two questions. 1. How thick the layer of Aquaphor is needed? Sometimes I apply it thick and it’s whitish light pink color, and sometimes the layer is thinner and lips are red colored, like inflammated.2. I have completely no visible buildup on my lips. Is it okay or I’m rubbing buildup off while applying Aquaphor not even noticing it?Thank you for the forum and your work.
hello, i'm french and i don't understand english, i use google translation. I have a cheilite for 5 years and I would like to know your stages of healing please. I thank you in advance. here's a photo
Thanks so much for taking the time and setting up this website. I think you truly understand what mutual support is all about. I went by the names lipshitz and c.s. on Curezone, and managed the peelinglips Wikispaces site until I hit a paywall.
You were a bright spot of hope for me all these years, and though I still have not fully healed from the condition, I have made considerable progress. I had similar emotional trauma and chapstick/vaseline abuse when this began for me, and finding love in spite of it all, being distracted by bigger concerns, and getting support from others seems to have helped. I understand now this was a critical component of your success. I have also been trying to not forcibly peel and think this is critical too. Perhaps many have not shared your success because of the challenges of recurring secondary infections, allergic sensitivities, chronic stress/depression, overuse of topicals. isolation and lack of sunshine (what I consider to be irritating/exacerbating factors). But stress and forcible peeling (through Martin's polling) seem to be top instigators of the condition, so they must be addressed too.
I want to ramp up the positivity (and sunshine) in 2020 and get us all healed as soon as possible. When I'm fully healed I'd love to interview you (and others who have healed) so we can share our stories together for all those sufferers who will come after us.For now, I have just a couple questions: do you still feel like you need to moisturize all the time, or your lips will feel incredibly dry and tight? And did you ever get tested for Vitamin D levels?
Thank you for your message Colin! It's great to "see" you again, ha ha. Yeah I agree there are so many things that can happen to your lips after your body decides it doesn't need to focus on them anymore to distract you...so how you deal with addressing those issues is important too, but also another struggle we have to go through. Thankfully nothing appeared to happen to me during that time, but if it did my body was able to resolve itself.
As far as moisturizing all of the time, it's a VERY interesting question, which literally played a key part to me figuring out that it's the bodies way of distracting itself from whatever a person may be going through. I can literally go for hours and hours where I'm fully immersed in a conversation or movie or something, but the I even think about my lips, they instantly feel dry, but if I pay attention, I know that moments before they didn't "feel" dry. And I have recently started to do tests with myself to wait and not use lip balm when I have that "feeling" and for some time, it can be minutes to an hour or so, I won't think about it or need it again.
It happens all of the time for stressful situations. It's a way my body distracts itself. Say I'm about to meet someone new, or tell someone I know about an idea I have, anytime there is stress involved I always have this inherit "need" to put lip balm on. But as I have become extremely self-aware over the last few months I am discovering more and more what these reasons are. And they fundamentally return to stress-involved situations. (I feel I should add this to my story, as you helped me understand it even more just by asking those questions.
And yes I've been tested many times, and even had very in-depth tests, and everything always comes back normal. There was one test that said my liver functions were a bit higher than normal, but that was just because I was very depressed and going through a really hard time in my life, so I was drinking absurds amount. Amounts that would astonish most people. Which I shouldn't be proud of, but I am more interested in to see just how much my body and mind are able to handle. But I'm now at a point in my life where I've discovered so much, that I never have to (or want) to drink more than a glass or two of wine.
Unfortunately those are the only things I can't recover from my site deleting itself last time, and I didn't keep the hard drive they were originally on. :( however I took videos with a pretty good camera, so it should be good enough to screen shot, obviously not the best though. Sorry about that!
Daniel I'm struggling with EC from 4years n i want to ask u how often were u taking shower to takeoff the buildup and how do u apply steroid cream when aquaphor is sitting on ur lip from 10 days
I didn't ever take a shower to "takeoff the buildup" I would wait until it came off naturally by itself, and if it came off while I was lighting putting the aquaphor on it, then I wouldn't worry about it...but I was very careful. And you just put the steroid cream over the top, eventually the skin will come off and you can put the steroid cream directly on the lips at that point.
thank you very much for rebuilding this site. I do have a question about your treatment.
I have been doing the constant moisture method using aquaphor for about 2 months, but my problem is that my lips never build up any skin and are constantly raw. They tend to hurt when i apply the aquaphor or talk for a longer period of time. Did you experience this as well? As far as I can tell from your videos your lips still built up skin even though you constantly used aquaphor right?
I switched to an organic lip balm for some time. With this my lips did build up skin, which would turn yellow and fall off after about 2 days or so. i stopped doing this after about 3 weeks because i dont feel that it is the right way to go, since my lips feel irritated when i apply the lip balm.
At the moment i am back to doing the constant moisture with aquaphor, but i am also applying apple cider vinegar to my lips 2-3 times a day for about 10min. When i apply the ACV i acutally see some vertical lines, but they disappear rather quickly.
So my question is if you experienced those constantly raw lips as well.
Again, thank you very much trying to help others getting rid of this stuff :)
Well, I'm wondering if you are talking all day? The only reason I could see your lips never building skin up would be if you are talking constantly. Have you been to the dermatologist to rule anything else out that would cause your lips to be raw constantly? Does this happen when you don't use Aquaphor? Perhaps you have an allergy to Aquaphor and should use a different product? I didn't experience unless I was at my call center job and talking on the phone constantly, but it was just my inner lips that gave me a lot of problems where they touched. My outer lips didn't hurt.
I see that they did build up skin when you used lip balm, so I'm wondering if you should switch to a product that isn't so hard as a lip balm, but isn't Aquaphor, but is a creamy kind of texture?
I don't know how much I would advice apple cider vinegar on the lips, it seems like it's a pretty harsh substance to use. Maybe try another product, and avoid that for a couple weeks and see what happens, and let me know. :)
thank you for your answer. I have been to about 5 dermatologists now and ruled out any allergies or fungal infections. I also got my blood tested about 1 year back, everything is normal.
I am not talking much, and I think I explained myself a bit wrong. I'm not completely sure if my lips dont build up skin when I moisturize them, it's more like the build-up is just so soft and weak that it peels off everytime I take a shower or brush my teeth, no matter how careful I am.
I had the same experience with vaseline and pretty much any moisturizer out there. With organic lip balm or some organic moisturizer my lips build up more skin when doing the constant moisture than when I apply vaseline or aquaphor, which I think is because the lips get more air that way. However the build-up still falls off at least once a day because it is so soft.
One dermatologist I have been to acutally said that too much creme is bad, since my lips need air to breath and fully heal. After 4 months of not putting anything on them the EC spread pretty much like you explained in your video so I stopped that. However, I don't think the constant moisture is the way to go for me, because the build-up peels multiple times a day when doing this.
I got the idea of apple cider vinegar from someone from curezone, who claimed to had gotten cured by using it. I have also seen improvements from this. After all, it works antibacterial, antifungal and therefore anti-inflammatory. It's also known to help with psoriasis.
So at the moment I am still applying the ACV 2-3 times a day to my lips (but just a really small amount) and I put on aquaphor for a few hours a day. That time seems to be enough to have them moisturize, but leave the build-up strong enough to not just fall off instantly.
I am trying not to focus on my lips too much, which actually seems to help a little. I always find that when I go outside or meet people, they actually get more dry and worse because I focus on them even more since I feel embarassed. So I'm trying my best to not focus on my lips, which is really hard to be honest.
As soon as summer starts I will try and get a lot of sun, since it also seems to help.
Hello. Thank you very much for starting to rebuild the site and for making all the video's available.
Iam taking your advice of using Aquaphor (and/or other moisturisers) , no picking, i have tried two steroid creams but not the one you used (at this point) , getting more sun, good diet, trying my best to think positive thoughts which i have my good and bad days.
Anyway, thank you, you give all hope and inspiration.
Iam hoping that you will update "The real cure" section and explain to us what you think the root cause of EC is.
I have been watching some of the videos, i still have some questions and was going to sign up to your patreon. Let us know if you ever re up that.
I understand that you have a life.
I will make a small donation now. I'd love to know what you think the root cause is.
Iam currently getting patch testing done and about to see a naturalist.
I would say the first signs of healing were related to when they quit building up so much. It was when I was using constant moisture on them. It only took a few weeks. Yes it's in some of the last videos, which I haven't watched in forever...so I've probably forgotten a lot of things in there.
Doing "normal" things took a few months, and I was very careful for about 6 months. From July - December, as it's my "Finally cured" video.
You should read "the power of your subconscious mind" by Joseph Murphy, I'm reading it and it is saying everything I have known. It's amazing, and will help anyone with this condition heal from it. As long as you believe you will be cured, then you will. It's as simple as that.
A lot of times we may not realize the situations we are in that are stressful or anxiety ridden, but we really are. And thus our lips start to take our attention so the "back" of our minds don't have to dwell on those things...it's your minds way of saying, "Hey focus on me! Heal me, something isn't right!" and if it's emotional damage and you don't listen, then it manifests a physical one so you will. You may have thought life was going well, but maybe it wasn't the path you were supposed to be going...you really have to look within to find the answer out, but it's there. :) we go through these struggles for a reason, and sometimes the reason is so we can really enjoy the good times in our life. If we didn't have the bad ones, then the good ones wouldn't feel so great.
@Daniel Miller Thanks. I guess i dont do constant moisture because i hate how my lips look when they go all white and mush They feel better, but look worse. And also at my job its not possible for me to moisturise/reapply constantly.
It might be something that i have to try again though, because what iam doing isn't working.
I'll look into that book. I have watched some videos on you tube about the power of the mind. I try so hard to think positively. But i guess some days depression just comes out of nowhere and i have days where i feel hopeless and out of fight. But for the most part i really and trying to have hope and belief.
I'll just add for anyone else who may read this, when i spoke to you earlier you told me that your diet wasn't gluten free when you healed and isn't now.
I'm happy to see that you're updating your website. I have a question, did you ever deal with infections? I've noticed that if I let the crusts build up, when it peels off, there's redness, irritation, and yellow liquidy spots that erupt. It looks like a staph infection or something, I tried waiting to see if it would go away but it got very painful and irritated. I always end up using a topical antibiotic. Did this ever happen to you? If so how did you deal with it.
You're an inspiration to all of us dealing with this. Thank you for keeping your website running for us to reference. God bless you.
I definitely got a similar thing to you, but I don't remember them being painful and irritated most of the time, they were just yellow and crusty. I did have the yellow liquid though for sure, but it wasn't painful.
Hello Daniel,
I have a quick question about the constant moisture method.
I remember you said that you had very dry skin around your lips/ mouth after that period where you kept them dry all the time.
When you started the constant moisture method, did you also apply the aquaphor on the dry skin around your mouth, or just on your lips?
I am doing the constant moisture right now and I have found that when I don't apply the aquaphor around my lips, my lips don't burn as much as they do when I put the aquaphor around them. However, as soon as I stop applying aquaphor around my lips, that skin gets really dry again.
Thank you very much for your help.
PS: If anybody that had success with this method reads this, feel free to answer as well :)
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Hi Daniel,
@Daniel Miller when did you stoped using Aquaphor? I'm on that Point where my lips doesn't peel anymore and I got my vertikal lines back. But it still feels sensitive like a layer of skin is missing. I only getting a dead layer of skin at the border of the mucosa. If I stop using aquaphor my lips drying out and I getting bigger vertikal lines, then I put aquaphor back on it and they getting wet and elastic again without peeling anything off.
If I using flash light from my phone and looking through my skin, I can see Micro cracks is that normal ?
Hello! I have EC from 2017. From December 2019 I tried ‘leave alone method’ without biting/touching my lips. But now I’dont know if it’s working or not. So yesterday I started ‘constant moisture method’ with Aquaphor. Also long time ago I overused steroid cream (Elocom) because my allergy, so I’ll use only Aquaphor.
I plan to cure in 12 month, by July 2021. Wish me good luck...
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to make an update on a treatment that has been working for me. I've had EC for approximately 7 years, I am now 20 years old and it has been a nightmare. But I finally think I understand what has been wrong with me. I think that I've had an chronic allergic reaction to something, whether it's something I eat or something that I put on my lips. I've stopped anything from touching my lips, food, water, lip balm, even napkins. I suspect that some chemical or preservative in the napkins caused me to react how I have, I never stopped using paper napkins in the last 7 years so I think that was the real trigger. The only thing I use is Aloe vera straight from the plant before and after eating to create a barrier and clean my lips off. I've done this for 2 months and my lips have never felt better. They have some lines, but not a ton. They are more flexible than they have ever been. They don't peel nearly as much as before. I am excited to see how much better they will get.
I've tried everything under the sun. Nothing has worked. Modern medicine, homeopathy, eastern medicine, diets, creams, ointments, everything. The only thing that has moderately worked was an extremely healthy diet (unsustainable) and a topical steroid (the steroid made my lips worse after I got off them). This is the only thing that I have seen such progress. I am also exercising a good amount and eating relatively healthy, and while I'm sure it helps, I don't think it's why I am improving so rapidly.
I hope this might help some of you that are suffering. I have suffered for a long time, and to finally feel hope that I might one day be free of this illness, it gives me such drive to live my best life. Lmk if anyone has any questions or just wants someone to talk to. We can all get through this, good luck everyone!
Hi everybody,
I'd like to share my experience with you all. I've struggled with very dry lips for years so I would apply lip balm on them like 15 times a day. Then I would say a year ago I started biting my lips (I would take off the dead skin that I thought was unesthetical) and it felt like a layer of skin was missing, my lips were raw and burning. In March as quarantine started (I live in France) I decided to stop applying lip balm and stop peeling my lips, in hopes that they would heal and turn back to normal. I started to develop big ugly greenish crusts on my lips. It was horrible, I was terribly self-conscious and it was also very painful as my lips would burn all the time. My doctor prescribed me vaseline but it wasn't very helpful.
I discovered Daniel Miller's YouTube channel and I decided to try the "leave it alone method". Unfortunately the crusts kept falling off, usually when I brushed my teeth, leaving the skin underneath raw and swollen.
Then I discovered this thread: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2278625.
A Week ago I took off all the crusts off my lips and started applying aquaphor every half hour, and I gently exfoliate my lips after I brush my teeth. It's only been a Week but I'm already very satisfied with the results, the crusts are not coming back, my lips don't burn anymore, and I'm starting to see vertical lines again. It looks like a thin layer of skin has come back. I started decreasing the aquaphor, I only apply it 4 times a day now. I have some before and after pictures if some of you are interested.
Just a little precision: I know Daniel also did this constant moisture method except (if I understand correctly) he left the crusts on his lips during the process and applied aquaphor on top of them.
Hi people,
I just found your website and find it really interesting. I am way too aware of my lips drying out and things have become worse since I am a teacher. Just the tought that my lips could get dry and people could see it makes me feel uncomfortable, so I constantly sip on my water bottle. But when I talk an the phone I could talk for hours without having a sip of water or using any lip balm. It is certainly a reaction to stress und so far I have not find a cure for it.
The only things that actually cures it for a while is surfing. Hours of salt water and sun around my lips just make them perfect... for days and weeks. It is probably the natural form of a steroid cream, so it comes to calming your lips down, allowing your mind to not focus on them for an extended period of time and shifting that focus. Once your focus goes back to your lips, the process starts again.
Hey Daniel. Great idea adding a forum to your website.
I'm currently on week 3 of a diligent aquaphor/ steroid cream regiment, following your guidance closely. I have tried the aquaphor treatment many times in the past with no long term success, however this time is different, mainly because of self isolation due to covid-19 allowing me to take it far more seriously.
I can see skin forming under the aquaphor and can see vertical lines also. Although I'm not risking taking the aquaphor off to have a look at the skin just yet - it is still early days.
I'm using hydrocortisone cream and did have a question with regards to application. Did you wipe off the aquaphor before applying the steroid cream and then reapply the aquaphor? Or did you simply put the steroid cream on top of the aquaphor layers? Did you rub the steroid cream in or just gently apply it on the surface of the lips?
In your videos you also talk about build up and how it slowly reduced over time. Personally I haven't experienced any build up during this treatment, and I am trying to gauge the best time to start decreasing the amount of aquaphor I apply. How were you able to tell your skin was ready to stop applying aquaphor?
hello, i'm french and i don't understand english, i use google translation. I have a cheilite for 5 years and I would like to know your stages of healing please. I thank you in advance. here's a photo
Hi Daniel,
Thanks so much for taking the time and setting up this website. I think you truly understand what mutual support is all about. I went by the names lipshitz and c.s. on Curezone, and managed the peelinglips Wikispaces site until I hit a paywall.
You were a bright spot of hope for me all these years, and though I still have not fully healed from the condition, I have made considerable progress. I had similar emotional trauma and chapstick/vaseline abuse when this began for me, and finding love in spite of it all, being distracted by bigger concerns, and getting support from others seems to have helped. I understand now this was a critical component of your success. I have also been trying to not forcibly peel and think this is critical too. Perhaps many have not shared your success because of the challenges of recurring secondary infections, allergic sensitivities, chronic stress/depression, overuse of topicals. isolation and lack of sunshine (what I consider to be irritating/exacerbating factors). But stress and forcible peeling (through Martin's polling) seem to be top instigators of the condition, so they must be addressed too.
I want to ramp up the positivity (and sunshine) in 2020 and get us all healed as soon as possible. When I'm fully healed I'd love to interview you (and others who have healed) so we can share our stories together for all those sufferers who will come after us. For now, I have just a couple questions: do you still feel like you need to moisturize all the time, or your lips will feel incredibly dry and tight? And did you ever get tested for Vitamin D levels?
thanks for starting your website up again. do you still have the picture updates from your old blog that you took during your journey?
Daniel I'm struggling with EC from 4years n i want to ask u how often were u taking shower to takeoff the buildup and how do u apply steroid cream when aquaphor is sitting on ur lip from 10 days
Hey I have ec 7 months now what have you guys tried cor curing
Hello Daniel,
thank you very much for rebuilding this site. I do have a question about your treatment.
I have been doing the constant moisture method using aquaphor for about 2 months, but my problem is that my lips never build up any skin and are constantly raw. They tend to hurt when i apply the aquaphor or talk for a longer period of time. Did you experience this as well? As far as I can tell from your videos your lips still built up skin even though you constantly used aquaphor right?
I switched to an organic lip balm for some time. With this my lips did build up skin, which would turn yellow and fall off after about 2 days or so. i stopped doing this after about 3 weeks because i dont feel that it is the right way to go, since my lips feel irritated when i apply the lip balm.
At the moment i am back to doing the constant moisture with aquaphor, but i am also applying apple cider vinegar to my lips 2-3 times a day for about 10min. When i apply the ACV i acutally see some vertical lines, but they disappear rather quickly.
So my question is if you experienced those constantly raw lips as well.
Again, thank you very much trying to help others getting rid of this stuff :)
Hello. Thank you very much for starting to rebuild the site and for making all the video's available.
Iam taking your advice of using Aquaphor (and/or other moisturisers) , no picking, i have tried two steroid creams but not the one you used (at this point) , getting more sun, good diet, trying my best to think positive thoughts which i have my good and bad days.
Anyway, thank you, you give all hope and inspiration.
Iam hoping that you will update "The real cure" section and explain to us what you think the root cause of EC is.
I have been watching some of the videos, i still have some questions and was going to sign up to your patreon. Let us know if you ever re up that.
I understand that you have a life.
I will make a small donation now. I'd love to know what you think the root cause is.
Iam currently getting patch testing done and about to see a naturalist.
I'm happy to see that you're updating your website. I have a question, did you ever deal with infections? I've noticed that if I let the crusts build up, when it peels off, there's redness, irritation, and yellow liquidy spots that erupt. It looks like a staph infection or something, I tried waiting to see if it would go away but it got very painful and irritated. I always end up using a topical antibiotic. Did this ever happen to you? If so how did you deal with it.
You're an inspiration to all of us dealing with this. Thank you for keeping your website running for us to reference. God bless you.
hey daniel, thank you very much for re-activating blog. I will review the blog. sun was very helpful last summer.