I have currently started the constant moisture method again, I am hopeful it will help this time.
I have two questions about getting water on them that I hope you can answer.
Did you "clean" your lips after eating or brushing your teeth, and how did you do that? I find that if I let water run over my lips after eating and brushing my theeth, it often takes off the build-up. It would be extremely helpful if you could describe how you brushed your teeth while healing. I also use an electric toothbrush but I still seem to "hurt" my lips while doing that.
Did you dry your lips after getting them wet? Did you gently touch them with a towel or did you let them dry in the air without using a towel?
Thank you for helping people that are still struggling with this.
Hi Tim, have you cured using the constant moisture method? I'm at the stage letting it alone completely dry, avoiding any touch with water, otherwise the juicy liquid will not dry whenever my lips touch any water.